Isolation Feet for Laptop

It seems fairly common knowledge that vibration is a form of distortion in many electric components, not just for turntables and speakers. Isolation feet seem to work well in most applications.

I searched around and I didn't find any information to suggest that folks are using isolation feet on laptops or desktops, despite increased streaming usage. In a great many cases, there are indeed heavy vibrations coming from within the computer.  Whether it is the fan for the CPU or even GPU to the all the various chips/transformers, etc or even power supplies and batteries. If adding isolation feet to a streamer, DAC or power supply makes sense, then wouldn't it also make sense to apply isolation feet to your laptop; if you use it for music?

Well, I am going to find out. :)

I ordered some IsoAcoustics Orea Series Audio Equipment Isolators with a max weight of 16 pounds. The laptop weighs about 6.7 pounds, so it shouldn't be that much strain, even with all the cables creating some measure of down force as they dangle over the edge.

My expectation is that the DAC will be able to perform slightly better due to reduced vibration across the USB port and power filter. The DAC is a USB stick (Dragonfly Cobalt) so it has a very rigid hard connection to the laptop; so vibration is very easily transferred.

Has anyone else tried this?


Showing 2 responses by mewsickbuff

I am truly sorry you've been given so much resistance on this issue. I still use a computer for music listening. Around 80% of my music is on my computer. I listen with the Signalyst HQPlayer combined with my T+A DAC 8 DSD @ 512/24. For me it is a superb listening experience. For a couple or more years now, I've used IsoAcoustic Orea isolation feet for my computer AND every other piece of gear WITH roller ball decouplers (yes, including the computer and GAIA's for my speakers). All I can say is don't listen to naysayers. If you do your music listening experience will be limited. Try things for yourself. If you like it go with it. If you don't try something different. After all, you're the one spending your money. They're not buying you one single thing.

You and I have a few things in common. I, too, have down-firing subs (3 to be exact, 2 SVS's and one HSU). Together, they smooth out the bass like I've never heard before. I also incorporated Synergistic Research's purple fuses in all my gear that uses fuses. Plus I have an FEQx4 to bring out the best in all the HFT's, EFT's and PHT's in use. Had I listened to naysayers, I never would have had the gumption to build my own open baffle speakers. I haven't had a lot of different speaker experiences, but these are the best I've heard so far and given my age, probably ever will hear. Right now I am absolutely satisfied with my system. I hope the best for you. Just remember when you're listening to your music, it's about your happiness, not what someone else says "won't make you happy or should make you happy."