Is your now then?

What was your first significant experience with quality audio (then) and how does it compare with your present system (your now).
Do you think we strive to return to the past and remain in those influential times? Are our choices psychological, nostalgic even....?

Mine is a mixed bag. Solid state with turntable were my beginnings. Presently SS with digital sources trumping my TT most days. I am still enamored by albums and uber turntables, but budget constraints and the ease of digital is presently winning.

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I started my journey in 1975 with B&O receiver and TT with small B&O shelf speakers.Graduated to Luxman L81 amp and Linn Sondek TT feeding Rogers Studio 1 speakers in 1979. This has been replaced with my current system only in the last 6 weeks. The new system comprises,Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers, powered by NAD C298 power amp & C 658 preamp, still with the Linn. Also a 6 year old NAD CD player.
I'm still on this journey and so much has changed in the last 40+ years. Surprise surprise. I have so much to learn. I am happy with the new system but still refining it with cables etc.
Needless to say it is a completely different experience to my old system. My son will get use of the old gear. Love to hear your thoughts on my new system,suggestions and comments welcome.