Is your now then?

What was your first significant experience with quality audio (then) and how does it compare with your present system (your now).
Do you think we strive to return to the past and remain in those influential times? Are our choices psychological, nostalgic even....?

Mine is a mixed bag. Solid state with turntable were my beginnings. Presently SS with digital sources trumping my TT most days. I am still enamored by albums and uber turntables, but budget constraints and the ease of digital is presently winning.

Showing 1 response by clearthinker

"Do you think we strive to return to the past and remain in those influential times? Are our choices psychological, nostalgic even....?"

Woody Allen referenced this perennial dream in 'Midnight in Paris'.
A tourist gets picked up by a vintage car and driven to a party taking place in the 1920s.  He stands at the same spot the next evening and the same happens.  He decides he would like to stay in the 1920s.  There he starts with a girl who has a similar experience but is taken to the Belle Epoch - the 1890s.  She decides she wants to stay there and they split.

Allen is making the point that everyone thinks the golden age was prior to that in which they are living.  It is probably a delusion.