Is your now then?

What was your first significant experience with quality audio (then) and how does it compare with your present system (your now).
Do you think we strive to return to the past and remain in those influential times? Are our choices psychological, nostalgic even....?

Mine is a mixed bag. Solid state with turntable were my beginnings. Presently SS with digital sources trumping my TT most days. I am still enamored by albums and uber turntables, but budget constraints and the ease of digital is presently winning.

Showing 1 response by bslon

@oldhvymec +1
Hearing Andrew Jones’ TAD1 system at 2002 CES stunned me. My current system is satisfying but I just remember how his room floored me.
I still hang out with some high school buddies who have their systems from the 70’s—Marantz receivers, JBL speakers, Thorens or Philips TT’s. They’re happy with that but I remember those systems sounding better back in the day.
I have sense moved up the audio food chain. A modern well thought out system is far more enjoyable to me now.