Is Wally tool preffered for Graham 2.2?

I have a pal who asked me to post this question.I mentioned to him that I had heard that the Wally tools are superb,and that some have stated it was better than the supplied Graham stuff,for setting up the arm.I know some of you guys to be real "mavens" when it comes to the finer points of things analog(that's a compliment),so told him I'd go to the "source",and report back.

Also,I have heard it's tough to get in touch with Wally,and some dealers I know have had no success.How does one get the necessary Wally stuff?Also,do you feel there is a "real benefit" to using that stuff,over the supplied Graham set-up stuff?Thanks fellas!!


Showing 3 responses by dougdeacon

Albert's response mirrors my reasons for not using the Graham jig when setting up cartridges for friends on their 2.2's. Unless the cantilever is in playing conditions for VTF, VTA and azimuth it's impossible to align it accurately.

I have no experience with the Wally, but I would always prefer SOME gauge that can be used in actual playing conditions.
Hello Bob,

Many thanks for contributing to our little chat. You wrote:

Our instruction book also points out another fact that the writer missed: the flip-over target plate of the alignment gauge DOES place about 1.25 grams of load force on the stylus, thereby placing the cartridge in it's dynamic operating position.

...our gauge does load the stylus tip so that typical VTF/VTA forces are applied.
For this to be true, wouldn't the cartridge have to be the same height as the one you designed the tool around?

Any variation in cartridge height would render the flip-over target plate less accurate as a VTF/VTA emulator. More significantly, since a different height cartridge changes the angle of the (unpressured) target plate, it also shifts the alignment points forward or aft from your intended location.

Your alignment tool is wonderfully ergonomic and ingeniously designed. Some of the rabidly particular (including myself) just prefer aligning under actual conditions. One of those YMMV situations I suppose.


Thanks for confirming that. While I doubt it applies to anyone on this thread, clearly anyone who would otherwise "align" by using the body of their cartridge (or their arm wand) would do better with the tool you provide.

Good to hear there's an improved version coming soon.