Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?

I read that a lot of people on this forum use Tidal etc. Is this ok from audiophile perspective? I mean, do people who use such services actually know what quality is streamed? Don’t you lose all control over your music when you surrender to streaming services?

Showing 7 responses by defiantboomerang


Could you be a bit more specific, please. 

Specifically, how do you know that the claimed file quality is actually streamed? What prevents streaming services from downgrading their signals?

Audiophiles and music lovers have almost nothing in common. Ordinary music lovers usually find despicable Apple earbuds perfectly acceptable, for example. I am 100% certain that audiogon members enjoy music on a much deeper level than music lovers.

How can a Redbook track sound better on Tidal than on a CD? Are they not the same? I mean, bit by bit?

Many thanks for your explanation. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that ripping can correct some errors that cannot be corrected when you play a CD in real time? There are some things in your post I still don't understand.

1. Why is the number of rpm's important for error correction?
2. How many errors are made by a typical CD player during play?
3. What is the percentage reduction in the number of errors when you rip a CD and play the file?

Many thanks for your answer.

How does Unitiserve deal with song titles? Does it find them online? What happens if there are no titles available?