Is this when you have "arrived??"

Just had a guest leave my house after a quick early morning listening session.
Only 4 album sides, the last of them being Tales of Mystery and Imagination Alan Parsons.
Towards the end of the first part, he was making the couch shake. I looked over.

He was crying. (Not because his ears hurt)

He was ashamed. This is the second time this has happened to me, but the first time without "enhancements" being involved.

Have I arrived at true high end?

Showing 1 response by glory

All the big, bad ,strong and mean men really don't cry now do they? No to show emotion is weak and frail and one with emotional issues. Real men don't CRY DAMMIT!!!!!!!!

Some of you Srong men have not creid in your whole life accept when you were little BOYS so you see little boys are the only one's who cry. When you feel that little boy emotion you fight it back and hold that tear in because, DAMMIT Im a MAN yes I am....... and I don't want to be seen with emotional problems.

Anyway I bet a CDP with a SS amp would have made him want to leave early and not come back so your on the right track. =8^)