Is this stylus worn out?


I own a Lyra Delos. After several years, it began to sound a bit off. I think I was detecting some distortion in the high frequencies. As I had a 2nd cartridge in a similar price/quality/performance category (Transfiguration Axia), I switched to that one and put The Delos in the box for a while. Recently I began to play with a USB microscope and took some photos of the styluses on both cartridges. I was wondering if you would look at my photos of my Delos stylus and comment on its wear. I do not know what it looked like when new. Actually, I would love to see an image of a Delos stylus at the beginning of its life!  (I also attached one photo of the transfiguration axia for comparison.  Apologies in advance for the poor photo quality.  my microscope is not great.  Not sure if the image is attaching properly.  if you click on it, it will take you to a page with both shots that I have.








Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @marktomaras  : " After several years.."  after several years almost any cartridge needs service/re-tip or at least that be check by a professional about.

Several years could means several hours or not to many depending the every day average use and only you know about.

Everything the same and according what you posted a distortion at high frequency range could means the stylus tip is already prepared for a re-tip but only a pro can tell you for sure or contact directly to Lyra .


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
