Is this preamp mod to reduce gain advisable?

I have an expensive preamp and have this option from the (small) manufacturer to do this to reduce the gain:

" re-wire the input transformer, which would give a 6dB drop in gain. It is fairly major surgery (requires some cuts and re-wiring on the PCB) but it can be done."

Would you do this, or is it too much risk?


Showing 2 responses by rgs92

Thanks for the opinion Al. By the way, that's quite a hand-picked system you have there, very impressive. And congrats on the Ulysses speakers; I heard the the Daedalus RMa a few years back and have not forgotten how nice they sounded.
Thanks to everyone. This just a line-stage and headphone amp,
no phono involved. I tried the Rothwell and other add-on attenuators and didn't like them at all; they dulled the sound (but they did solve the gain issue). Just looking for finer volume adjustment for a stepped attenuator. I posted here before on this so sorry for the duplication.
Thanks everyone.