Is this for real?

After flipping through the latest Musical Direct Catalog last night I saw some "system disc" products. Prices ranges from $19.99 to $109.99. These discs are suppose to send some sort of demagnetizing frequencies to clean out your system (speakers, components, and cables).

Has anyone tried these products and do the work? I wonder what will they think of next?

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

This is just about the silliest thing I have ever heard. "Demagnetizing tone" - gimme a break! Just how in the heck do you demagnetize copper and silver (your wires, interconnects, etc.), they are not "magnetizable". And, even if they were, how is an audio tone gonna demagnetize them???

Next thing you know, someone will claim that their optical cables are magnetized and need "fixing". Wake up, folks, and stop being so doggone gullible...