Is this amp sufficient to drive my 803D

Krell 400xi

rated at 200 watts and 400 watts into 4 ohm

room size 16w length 32 feet. height 8 feet
I listen to a lot of rock music and jazz

Im using a rxv2300 yamaha receiver as my source currently
and red wine i pod
blue jeans cables,10guage

your thoughts greatly appreciated

Bob, thanks for the response,

Currently I have the amp and blue jeans cables biamped to the speakers bare and banana plugs

Yes I love to listen to music very loud
but, most of the time due to constraints
most of the time im 14 feet away

Would a bigger amp open up the speakers at lower listening volumes?

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Bob sorry should of clarified this better

currently I have the Krell 400xi hooked up to the B&w 803D biamped 20 inches from the rear wall

I'm using a Yamaha receiver for the fm tuner purposes only!

Im just curious to hear if there are better alternatives for amps given the size of the room im in for listening

I will definitely check out those ATI amps! lots of power!
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Yes correct Bob, Bi wired, not Biamped

Would biamping be better, I have a Sony Tan 9000es power amp lying around, would this be usable?