
Responses from david124

Urgent - Totem speakers for Krell
Thed, the Krell 400xi is a powerful amp it drives my power hungry B&w 803Ds I wanted the Totems, the dealers were too far from me plus I got the B stock B&Ws at a great price i couldn't refuseThe Forests I bet, would be a great match with... 
Is this amp sufficient to drive my 803D
Bob,Your very correct, its probably is better to go with matching amps,that have identical voltage gainmakes a lot of sense,I should have known that I took a little electronics at the College lol 
Is this amp sufficient to drive my 803D
Jaybo,I have noticed a big difference when bi wiring to the speakers, bigger base, and stage,even improvement when using banana plugs, instead of bare wire these speakers are very revealing ,let you know your components your using!! 
Is this amp sufficient to drive my 803D
Yes correct Bob, Bi wired, not BiampedWould biamping be better, I have a Sony Tan 9000es power amp lying around, would this be usable? 
Is this amp sufficient to drive my 803D
Bob sorry should of clarified this bettercurrently I have the Krell 400xi hooked up to the B&w 803D biamped 20 inches from the rear wallI'm using a Yamaha receiver for the fm tuner purposes only!Im just curious to hear if there are better alte... 
Is this amp sufficient to drive my 803D
Bob, thanks for the response,Currently I have the amp and blue jeans cables biamped to the speakers bare and banana plugsYes I love to listen to music very loudbut, most of the time due to constraintslow,most of the time im 14 feet awayWould a big... 
Lower end DVD player
I use an APEx ad-1200 paid only 50$ for it, i also have the Oppo dv-971 the apex i think sounds better for music and movies, but the oppo wins out on video playback,really nice video