Is this a worthwhile Krell amp upgrade?

[In order for this message to receive the broadest possible dissemination, I am also placing it on other audiophile forums. Please excuse the resultant redundancy if you have seen this posting previously.]

Years ago, I replaced my existent speakers with Revel Ultima Studios and a center channel Ultima Voice. At the time I was using a Proceed 3-channel amplifier that I chose to replace as well. Revel had used Mark Levinson amplifiers in the process of developing the Ultima series, and so I tried that same combination at my dealer's. While quite nice, those amps were clearly eclipsed -- in the ears of both my wife and me -- by similarly powerful Krell FPB amps. Therefore, I purchased a Krell FPB 200C stereo amplifier and a 250c mono amplifier (for the center channel) and have been very content with this combination ever since then.

Recently, Krell has begun to enjoy a resurgence of its reputation, particularly in the area of power amps. Over the years since I bought my FPBs (circa 2005), their amplifiers have been extensively redesigned, which has caused me to wonder whether I would be well-served to replace my two Krell amps with their current Trio 300 XD.

Krell's closest dealer is several hundred miles from where I live, making an A/B comparison rather impractical. Consequently, I am soliciting the thoughts of my fellow audiophiles regarding the Trio 300 XD, particularly if you have been able to compare it sonically against a Krell FPB amplifier. (Knowing the speaker system driven would be helpful, too.)

Thank you!
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