It is a 'reasonable' music server. the 'audiophile' designation is up to you.
It is very similar to
my mac based system (DIAGRAM of LAYOUT) My system is based on equipment I already had as well (except the external DAC) Though I would have to agree with Ckorody about the airport express drop outs. Initially I used an AE connected to my receiver and found it dropped out occasionally ( about once every 3 days). I have since hardwired the connection using Toslink from the office to the living room about a 8 foot cable run. I still use AEs in my garage and bedroom. In either case (wireless or cabled) a DAC is a noticeable improvement.
To put my comments in context--doubt if I can link to my system over on another site-- here is a cut and paste ( a basic audio system )
Digital Source Digital Audio: Apple Power Mac G5 (see below)
Signal Processors Monarchy NM 24 DAC
Receiver Denon AVR 4306
Speakers Tetra 120u
Subwoofer Martin Logan Abyss
Speaker Cables Anti-Cable
Interconnects Ven haus cryo pulsar silver /Audio Art Cable IC-3/ Monoprice digital
Power Conditioning Belkin Pure AV
Other Components Music Server PC: Apple Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3 PPC / LaCie 500GB Big Disk Extreme | Music Server connected to Denon AVR via TOSlink Optical | Apple Airport Extreme/Express network to remote powered speakers in other rooms
the above system also part of an AV system
I found that there is a disadvantage to running iTunes from a laptop as a source to a system: when it goes to sleep(or one closes the lid) the music will stop. I really like the NetTunes application, a sort of VNC into your main server, it provides virtual control of the itunes on the main server. there is a slight graphics lag on the laptop side but acceptable to me. when you close the laptop the music still plays. I also use my ipod for basic FF/RW and pause remote control....that is with Signal Remote.
good luck
It is a 'reasonable' music server. the 'audiophile' designation is up to you.
It is very similar to
my mac based system (DIAGRAM of LAYOUT) My system is based on equipment I already had as well (except the external DAC) Though I would have to agree with Ckorody about the airport express drop outs. Initially I used an AE connected to my receiver and found it dropped out occasionally ( about once every 3 days). I have since hardwired the connection using Toslink from the office to the living room about a 8 foot cable run. I still use AEs in my garage and bedroom. In either case (wireless or cabled) a DAC is a noticeable improvement.
To put my comments in context--doubt if I can link to my system over on another site-- here is a cut and paste ( a basic audio system )
Digital Source Digital Audio: Apple Power Mac G5 (see below)
Signal Processors Monarchy NM 24 DAC
Receiver Denon AVR 4306
Speakers Tetra 120u
Subwoofer Martin Logan Abyss
Speaker Cables Anti-Cable
Interconnects Ven haus cryo pulsar silver /Audio Art Cable IC-3/ Monoprice digital
Power Conditioning Belkin Pure AV
Other Components Music Server PC: Apple Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3 PPC / LaCie 500GB Big Disk Extreme | Music Server connected to Denon AVR via TOSlink Optical | Apple Airport Extreme/Express network to remote powered speakers in other rooms
the above system also part of an AV system
I found that there is a disadvantage to running iTunes from a laptop as a source to a system: when it goes to sleep(or one closes the lid) the music will stop. I really like the NetTunes application, a sort of VNC into your main server, it provides virtual control of the itunes on the main server. there is a slight graphics lag on the laptop side but acceptable to me. when you close the laptop the music still plays. I also use my ipod for basic FF/RW and pause remote control....that is with Signal Remote.
good luck