Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?

Since I'm a visual person, I've tried to distill what I've learned about music servers and how I might create one. Any suggestions or comments you have would be appreciated.

Here is the link to the website with the picture:
Map of Mac-based Server

My goal is to produce the best sounding Music Server regardless of price.

Showing 1 response by zippyy

We all know how incredibly difficult it is to put a CD in a CD player, sit down on our comfy chair and with this amazing thing called a "remote", hit the play button. And if you don't like the track you're listening to, this devise called a "remote" has a button called "next" or "forward" that takes you to the next track on the CD. It's just insane. Or of course, you can sit on your comfy chair with you laptop on your lap (getting hot) scrolling up and down your list of thousands of track titles trying to decide do I want to listen to this or not, dragging it over to your playlist, over and over and over again. 20 minutes later you've finally completed your selection to play. Yeah, this doesn't get in the way of listening.