Is this a audioquest cable counterfeit fake?

I purchased a Diamond Audioquest USB cable here from a seller and I received is nothing like my audioquest diamond cable. The packaging was also different from the one in the listing.

The packaging does not look or match any of my other audioquest packages.

I've highlighted everything in red for comparison.

Anyone want to give their thoughts on the matter?


Showing 2 responses by ml8764ag

@willywonka …respectfully, does each single cable have a unique serial number? The reason I ask…is a serial number may not buy you that much either… only if you can use it to validate with mfg.

I think the best, but not perfect answer is to request and maintain original receipts for purposes of authenticity.

One thing I still find really suspicious is when cables like Valhallas were being sold without their original wood cases …who would spend tens of thousands on cables and throw out the custom boxes (and doc)…??!!


Agree with mwinkc. Also, I’ve personally seen both the aq Columbia packaging and the jacket material change dramaticly between purchases from legit dealers.