Is this a audioquest cable counterfeit fake?

I purchased a Diamond Audioquest USB cable here from a seller and I received is nothing like my audioquest diamond cable. The packaging was also different from the one in the listing.

The packaging does not look or match any of my other audioquest packages.

I've highlighted everything in red for comparison.

Anyone want to give their thoughts on the matter?


Showing 2 responses by akg_ca

Word to the wise …insist on an OEM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY

I’ve had CARDAS scope out suspected fakes for me, including Pre-owned listings as fakes flogged on REVERB and AGON. Right from the pics . If they don’t supply an OEM COA… chose wisely.

In their words, an estimated 20-25 percent if ALL CARDAS listings on the major forums are illegal and cheap-build inferior counterfeit fakes .( mostly from China where this shite is a national sport ….)

Hence,,,,IMO…( based on my CARDAS experiences)

(1) AQ should be able to identify the obvious fakes from the pics.(Uber cheap and crap build connectors, different markings , different colour sheathing , poor quality lettering, blah, blah,…. );

(2) the few more clever fakes may involve actually shipping these dodgy sourced cables to AQ, wherein they have to remove the connectors to inspect them and also inspect and examine the actual cable construction and sheathing (ditto for CARDAS).

BUT ….and its a BIG “BUT” ….be prepared that you won’t get the fake back either if it is identified as an illegal counterfeit fake. ( “knock-offs” are no-name attempted near-copies that are NOT the same as illegal use of OEM Trademarked brand name plunked onto counterfeit cheap- build POS fakes )


From the AQ website:


Beware of Counterfeits

Only Buy from Authorized AudioQuest Dealers and Distributors

One of the unfortunate consequences of building a successful premium brand is the appearance of counterfeit products. AudioQuest is not immune to this problem. While we make every effort to combat counterfeiting, we continue to see various products being sold as "AudioQuest" that are NOT genuine.

These counterfeits DO NOT meet AudioQuest quality standards and in fact, often turn out to be nothing more than common hardware store-grade cables hidden beneath an attempt to match our braid patterns and plugs.

The persons most hurt by these phony offerings are our potential customers, who in good faith may make a purchase feeling that they have stumbled upon a "too-good-to-ignore" deal. Also hurt are those who, while realizing the cables aren’t genuine, hold hope that the cables are at least “close” in quality. Sadly, this is very rarely the case.

We advise customers to buy only from authorized AudioQuest dealers and distributors. AudioQuest cannot ensure the authenticity of any product purchased from an unauthorized AudioQuest dealer.

AudioQuest can neither honor the warranties of products nor provide any level of support for products purchased through the following Marketplaces:

  • Newegg
  • Sears
  • Walmart

If purchasing from a marketplace such as Amazon or eBay, please verify that the seller is authorized.

To visit the official AudioQuest Amazon Store, click here.

To verify that a dealer is authorized to sell AudioQuest before purchasing, click here.

Think you purchased a counterfeit?

if you click on the “online dealer” link…. Dunno …. Does your dealer appear among the authorized dealers …..?