Is there Tannoy Magic / Should I buy a pair of Tannoys as "accessory" speaker?

I have a decent system, and am running JBL 4367, with either Parasound A21+  (300w solid state) or Canary M600 (50w tubes) and am Tannoy-curious. 

I'm familiar with the current state of the brand, I understand that the "new" speakers aren't made at the old factory, and that much of the "shine" has worn off the brand over the last several years.  I'm also aware of the newer company with much of the former Tannoy brain trust.

I have never heard a Tannoy speaker.

My room is just barely, small, at 16' wide 13' deep and 9' ceilings.  It opens at the rear, almost but not perfectly symmetrically, behind the listening position, via a set of pocket doors that remain open, to a much larger room.  The JBLs, with their 15" driver (thanks to a bunch of acoustic treatments) are not "too much" for the room, so I don't know that the Ardens (for example) would be, either.

I'm not saying I wouldn't get rid of the JBLs, but the plan is to buy a set of Tannoys, hopefully like them enough to keep them, and slip them in the system as desire dictates.

The JBLs do everything that I know of, that I want a speaker to do, I'm just looking to be inspired.

I think I need realistic bass, and so perhaps a 12" or 15" (I don't know, just guessing) model might suit me better.  

Other than figure out how to demo some Tannoy speakers in a store like a normal person would, what do you think I should do?



I have a pair of Eatons, which I absolutely love and have ended my quest for speakers. They are very slightly warm, with really nice bass and somewhat tamed highs without losing too much resolution. Their imaging is great as well. Coming from a brighter pair of speakers, I’m really happy to be on this side of neutral, as more music sounds great. From what I’ve heard, other Tannoys can be brighter, so hearing a few models would be a good idea if possible. 

Other than figure out how to demo some Tannoy speakers in a store like a normal person would, what do you think I should do?


there is no “close second” choice than to demo yourself to find what “you” subjectively like. Audio stores, audiophile homes, audiophile shows.  Otherwise it’s a crap shoot.  

A long term Tannoy user here. Few things to clarify

1. Tannoys have overused and hyped their DC design into many lineups but the only real Tannoys as the original legendary designers had created are the Prestige line which consists of Sterling, Turnberry, Kensington, Canterbury & West minister

2. Kingdom Royale is not Tannoy, it is the creation of their marketing mumbo jumbo

3. The classic series that they have launched now, which contains Arden is no where near as good as Prestige. Dont buy them. Only the names are classic, the design and sound are stripped down very low below Prestige models

4. Fyne audio which is started by old Tannoy guys, is not Tannoy. They create dual concentric drivers but they sound thoroughly like any modern speaker. They don’t sound like Tannoy Prestige. Not even in the same city.  
5. Get a Turnberry and nice 100 watt amp 

I agree with @jtgofish , Many speakers have come and gone in my room and no Wilson, Rockport, Avalon stayed. Tannoys prevailed. The realism of their paper cone drivers and coherence is another level