Is there such a thing as too much power?

   I downgraded power from 300 watts per ch to 70 and I like the sound better! I always thought more power is a good thing, but could that be wrong?

Please enlighten me...

Showing 2 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

yes, spending money that could be spent on content, other equipment, better speakers ...

a ton of SS power or some tube power, I say, get efficient speakers, get tube amp.

and, avoiding size, weight, heat, electrical use is good! optional locations if smaller/lighter/less heat!

McIntosh Amps, power indicator meters, if showing a scale of watts, hardly move. That is literally the first watt. Juice the volume all the way up to reach/show avg. 5 watts, lots of sound!

You need to push a button, change/minimize the measurement scale to get them to actively move. They tell you a lot about how little power your speakers need, or how much, but still not much for inefficient ones.

They have a peak hold option on some meters, to show you how much (maximum) was needed for the most demanding part of that musical track.