Is there anyone out there who knows anything about Essence Speakers by Dale Pitcher?

I have read all the threads I can find on the web about Essence Speakers and about Dale Pitcher. I met Dale at the Essence plant in Lincoln in the early 1990s. I know about his eccentricities but found him to be a genuinely nice guy with a great passion for audio. I have owned a pair of early Gem speakers and currently own a pair of Gems from near the end of their production run. His speakers are amazing. I would like to become acquainted with other Essence owners and fans of the Essence product line. I have recently found and purchased a set of Essence Topaz 6 speakers from the mid 1980s paired with a pair of Topaz Subwoofers. Is there anyone out there with any literature, pics, documentation, history,  setup procedures, or an interest in having an informal club or chat room to share the joys and sorrows of these wonderful speakers?

Showing 3 responses by csmgolf

I have the manual and wave launch charts for the Topaz 6. Several years ago, I sent the midrange, tweeter assemblies with cradles, and crossovers to Dale for upgrade. They never got finished and I don’t believe they ever will. All I have left is the bass enclosure with upper sides, the tops, and the bottom plinths. I could send you copies of the manual and charts if you are interested.
IMO, $1000 is a touch on the high side. If they don't have the wave launch charts, it would be a no go. They can't be properly set up without the charts.
My understanding is that there were two versions of the Topaz 6. The version I own had separate enclosures for the woofer, midrange, tweeter, and super tweeter. They stacked on each other, with the tweeter assemblies in a cradle. The enclosure was wrapped in fabric with a removable wood top on it. Each driver could be positioned independently of the other. The Wave launch charts tell you how much offset for each of the drivers based on the height of the listeners ears from the floor and the distance from the cabinet. I still have the manual and charts for that version. If you could get the person down to the $900 range, they are worth a try. Have you had the opportunity to listen to them?