Is there any "volume attenuater"

Hi,I am interested to get the Stratos amp(Odessey) with the thought of hooking it up DIRECTLY to my AhTjoeb4000 CDP
(using its remote for Volume Control).Just to get a "flavor"
of what it would sound by this kind of a direct connection,I used my NADC370 Intergrated amp for experementation(disconnect the u shape jumper of the amp and have the IC. connected between the Main-In socket to the CDP). The sound is so full and LOUD even when I set the
voulme on the remote to MINIMUM. I wonder if there is anyway
I can get a divice(a "volume attenuater" so to speak,if my description is correct)that can be "connected" or "hooked up" to either the amp-side or the CDP-side.Then I cab have a "late-night musical enjoyment".This idea came about just because I bought my NAD amp a few month only and I don"nt
want to spend on getting another Preamp. Just thought of consulting you guys, your opinion suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks alot.

Showing 1 response by beavis

Get a Creek OBH-10 remote volume attenuator. It has 1 input & 1 output (unlike passive preamplifiers having several). Check with Audio Advisor ( for availability. Been years since I bought mine, I think around $175 sealed & new. It even comes with remote which only is in use during volume changes only, rest of time OBH-10 operates passively. Uses small wall-wart PS. Check on upgrade PS, too (about same price as OBH-10). Watch out not to use long cables into any passive preamp (about 1m max.)