Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?

Hi All,

instead of using a "gourmet" fuse in certain situations, I want to bypass the fuse entirely with a solid piece of metal. I also want to avoid soldering-in a piece of wire in the fuse’s place.

Are there solid pieces of silver or copper, the same size as a fuse, that i can swap into a fuse holder?


Showing 9 responses by pesky_wabbit

Sorry, but I disagree from extensive listening and testing experience

your trivial sensory experience has been negated by ’expert‘ opinion.

consider yourself chastised by a higher authority…;)

"I use my ears...."

As I said before, a visit to an audiologist will help

your trivial sensory experience has been negated by ’expert‘ opinion.

consider yourself chastised by a higher authority…;)

do we have to ascribe some cakyol approved physical explanation for the propulsion system used by the mysterious flying objects detected by USAF combat aircraft before they are deemed real ?

or would he just refer all the pilots to an opthamologist?

not on yer nellie noskie

not even a nice try

failed to address my issue at all and instead deflect to unrelated conceptual terms of ridicule

besides I'm not even a quantum metaphysics 21st century boy....

it's what frustrated lab technicians and high school teachers do because they never made it as real scientists. Big noting themselves on forums makes them feel empowered.

I bring a bit of color, feeling and excitement

Google translate > arrogance, dogma and condescension

I wish that the only person who is truly without bias regarding fuses was able to lend his expertise to this discussion. Yep, where is georgehifi when you need him?

you have a wicked sense of humour..