I've owned 390S, Wadia 850, and Accuphase DP65. I liked the 390S the best of the three. They all had their strengths and weaknesses. For what it's worth, I got out of them and into 47Labs Flatfish/Shigaraki dac and have NO regrets. I did add the PUREPOWER battery to the rig but I can tell you I am finally really enjoying digital now. During this time, I've owned Guarneri Homage and Avantgarde speakers. They allow me to hear the changes and differences pretty clearly. Good Luck
Is there a"giant Killer" CDP ?
Im looking for a high end CDP (one box or two box) to be absolutly great on reedbook. There are the renown ML 390S,Wadia 861, Capitole,Accupase 75V etc. I wonder if anyone actually has use one of these or any other true high end players in their own system and tried a cheaper solution and found it better than the true High end player.Please comment only if you actually tried both players in your own system!
I dont think you can judge who is better comparing players in shows and in stores!
I dont think you can judge who is better comparing players in shows and in stores!