Is there a huge diff, between 2CE Sig II & 3A Sig?

I have a Vandersteen 2CE Sig II now and thinking about upgrading to 3A Sig. Don't get me wrong I love my 2 Sig II and my velodyne sub blends really well with my 2 CE Sig II. I'm using two McIntosh MC-2100 one for each speaker. What difference will I notice with the 3A Sig? Thanks.

Showing 8 responses by pubul57

With the Velodyne, I would expect the difference to be smaller than if you were simply moving from 2 to 3 without a subwoofer. Depending on the model you have, I think the 2s and 3s may have the very same tweeters and midrange and I would expect very little difference in the range covered by these drivers. Now if no subwoofers were involved I would say you would get a noticeable improvement in bass and dynamics - but never would the differences be huge - a huge difference would mean leaving the Vandersteen stable, which it does no sound like you are interested in doing that. If you have the cash, why not? If you would be pushing it financially I would stay put.
I do agree that the 3s are clearer with greater dynamics, but I also think that with the use of the Velodyne, the differences are much less than a straight up comparison. If money we not an issue, I would certainly choose the 3s over the 2s, but with subwoofer used with the 2s versus a straight 3 the choice would not be so clear. I have owned 2s and 3s and 2WQs so I have some knowledge of the Vandersteen line, but it is always a good idea to talk to Richard, and better yet, get yourself to a store and decide with you own ears, you should be a able to get a demo - in either case, both speakers will be better in the midrange with a subwoofer taking some of deep bass duties off the mains. If I am not mistaken, the current 2s and 3s use the very same tweeter and mid-range driver - no?
John, the tweeter and midrange drivers are different? If so, I stand corrected.
Anonymous or not, your comment was directed at him and put him in a non-
flattering light. Perhaps his comment was too flippant as stated, but it seems
having experienced both speakers, he does not feel there is much sonic
difference between them - true, a subjective conclusion - at least not as great
as the price difference would suggest.

I do have a bit of a problem with the question as originally framed - OP asks
if the differences are HUGE - well in my opinion the 3A is better, but not
HUGELY so, and even less so when OP already has a subwoofer which goes a
long way to bring the 2s closer to the level of the 3. Are their differences to
be had? Sure. Is the overall quality better? Probably. But both speakers are
clearly the work of the same designer, and if the differences were huge that
would not be so apparent. Doesn't mean it is not worth upgrading to the 3A,
that was my preference too, and still a good value, but not the killer value
offered by the 2s. If OP is anywhere near New Jersey, he should go visit John
at Audio Connection - a good place to hear the differences and get good
Agree. A fun shop to visit. Even better if you can go when Richard is paying a visit on his occasional dealer tours.
OP, does your 2CE Sig IIs incorporate these updates to the model? If so, I suspect the change would be even less huge, those sound like significant migrations up the VS food chain, making them an even greater bargain for the price - assuming it has stayed the same.