Is there a good 5 disc CD player out there ???

I'm looking for a good quality 5 disc CD player. Something I could find on A-gon for between $4K-$5K. Any suggestions?

Showing 3 responses by goocher

Thanks Elizabeth, I currently have a 5 disc SONY and I'm very unhappy with the sound quality. I probably don't need to spend $4 or $5k on a 5 disc, but I'm hoping to get some ideas.
Thanks again for your input !!!
It sounds like there are not any Wadia quality type changers out there ? I'll have to do some research on the CAL CL-10. Anything by OPPO ? Thanks for all the response...keep it coming !
Thank you to all who responded. My wife will be happy to know I'll only need to spend a few hundred dollars on a replacement CD changer.