Is the Rockport Avior II an Endgame Speaker?

This past week, I spent about 90 minutes listening to a number of my favorite tracks through Rockport's Avior II speakers. For the most part, I found them to be accurate and musical, but with one shortcoming (maybe). To me, the most bottom end on some tracks with deep bass sounded a little over-emphasized in that realm. Of course, that exaggeration could be due to an anomaly in the streamer/DAC or the amplifier, and not the speakers themselves. I just don't know, which is why I am asking other Audiogon participants familiar with the Avior II to let me know their impressions of this speaker gained from the experiences living with -- or at least listening to -- them.

This will be my last purchase of speakers, and I want my decision to be as educated as possible. Thanks!

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Showing 1 response by jerryrocks

I upgraded to the Avior ll’s about 3 months ago and they are a perfect fit for my system. Are they end game? Is anything end game? I don’t know but for now they are by far the best speakers I have owned (many) or heard. Happy to talk about them and my impressions so far.