Is the Pass Labs X350.5 and X1 "warm"?

Hi, I have some great things about these Pass Labs components. I think I even read that they have some tube like qualities. I am looking for a setup that is slightly on the warm side of neutral and slightly laid back to compliment some very revealing and dynamic speakers. I wouild greatly appreciate anyone's real world experience with these Pass Labs components.

Showing 1 response by teajay

Tboooe, yes, the 350.5 has a overall sonic signature that could be called "warm" or "musical" yet still has great details/dynamics/extension.

I believe you asked this question before, the .5-series is a vast improvement over the first generation X-series amps, that were "cooler" sounding.

The .5 amps add some of the Aleph/XA series "sweet/warmth" to the overall sonics. The 350.5 is a great piece and one of the better single chassis amps out there today.