I have tried the X1 preamp for few months and it was very good as far as soundstage, detail and low noise floor are concerned, harmonically things sounded right. Overall sound was neutral and refined and little dark but I would put it on par with all the really good ss preamps from Aire, Simaudio etc. The only thing I found was that musical drive and involvment were lacking a notch, things were a little dry in this area. Perhaps Pass amps compensate here (I used it with Krell FPB cx).
Is the Pass Labs X350.5 and X1 "warm"?
Hi, I have some great things about these Pass Labs components. I think I even read that they have some tube like qualities. I am looking for a setup that is slightly on the warm side of neutral and slightly laid back to compliment some very revealing and dynamic speakers. I wouild greatly appreciate anyone's real world experience with these Pass Labs components.