Is the move up to Parasound Halo A21 worth it?

Currently enjoying my B&W CM10s, Parasound A23 and P5. I really love the balanced, open sound that I'm getting from the current setup. However, there are a few areas where I'm seeking improvement. A wider soundstage and more engaging sound at lower than moderate volumes. And, a bit more bass, at any volume, won't hurt either.

I thought of moving up the Parasound chain to an A21, but I have no way of listening to an A21 prior to buying it. Has anyone else here moved from a 23 to 21? If so, did you think the move was worth the extra $$$$? Very interested in knowing what improvements people heard. And yes, I understand that room acoustics and treatments will give you a better bang for your buck. But, unfortunately, my setup is in the family room with very little flexibility. So it is what it is.

On an unrelated note, I was thinking of buying used (couple of current A21 listings here @ agon), but after you take into account shipping and paypal charges, the diminishing returns kick in. I'm struggling to see if net savings of around $500 (over a new one from audio advisor) is worth losing warranty, as Parasound warranty is not transferable. I'm sure these are highly sought after units and the premium is better than other comparative brands, but for me it's not worth the risk. So, I'm now thinking of getting a new one from audio advisor (no tax, no shipping charges) and have the peace of mind that comes with a full warranty.

Showing 7 responses by arafiq

dbphd, thanks for your response. I was searching for the right words when trying to describe what I thought was missing. 'Lacking the sense of presence' is a very apt description. The A23 is a pretty amazing product, and I think it punches above its weight. But, definitely a bit lacking in 'heft', for lack of a better word.

I think I'll pull the trigger in a few days. Let's hope it's worth it.
213running, you raise an interesting point. Yes, cabling is definitely part of my plan but probably not in the short term. I was told that I should spend the money on upgrades in the following order: speakers, preamp, amp, speaker cables, power cord and interconnects. And to be honest, I don't understand speaker wires that well to make an informed decision. Plus I don't know what would be a mid price point for wires considering the rest of the system. I'm surely not comfortable with spending anything more than $1000 on wires. But the question is where and when do you see significant differences in SQ. In other words, what's that sweet spot, price-wise, for a mid-range system like mine.

So the question is do I spend the money on speaker cables first and perhaps postpone the amp upgrade? Not sure. What do you think?
georgelofi: Actually, before I bought the P5, I did think long and hard about buying the HINT. No doubt, it has a superior DAC compared to the P5, but for whatever reason the flexibility of separates appealed more to me. I've always had integrateds before (Yamaha a-s1000, Peachtree Nova 125), so I wanted to try separates this time.

But, yeah I agree that the Parasound integrated is a very strong contender. If I was in the market for an integrated, this would have been my first choice.

I'm hoping the next version of P5 will have the better DAC ... you know, trickle down technology and all. Actually, eventually I would like to buy a really nice preamp when the funds allow but that's several  years down the road. Thanks for a great suggestion though.
Thanks, 213runnin .... can you provide some suggestions for speaker cables that go well with the A21? At least it'll give me an idea about what to expect.
Before I pull the plug on the A21, are there any other recommendations within the same price range that I should consider?
Thanks, jl35. What exactly is it that you don't like about the A21? I'll look into Odyssey, perhaps a used one.

I also saw a Hegel 300 integrated on sale here at agon. Have always heard good things about it but not sure how it stacks up to a A21/P5 combo.
Okay, finally took the plunge and bought an A21 from a seller @ agon. I should be getting it next week.