Is the Mark Levinson 38 preamp a good match for a Project Xpression III Turntable?

Just got a hold of a fairly priced Mark Levinson 38 preamp with its CD processor ML39 with a pair of Thiels C3. Although it sounds really good, I've been thinking about adding a turntable to the system but got a couple of questions before getting behind the sideboard and start playing with the cables. Im not familiar with the inputs as they're a bit different from the regular/low budget amp and I dont see a phono input, is it phono compatible? My guess is not, as they were built in the 90's where manufacturers didnt consider Phono for those preamps, any additional info would be much appreciated. Also, if it isn't, how can I make it compatible and if its worth it?
Thanks in advance for your comments
Hi rph1,
Thanks for the recommendation. I didnt pay anything for it, it was one of those unusual situations where a family member gives it to you to sit it while he lives abroad for indefinite number of years. I know, lucky me, but thats why im not sure if i should invest on that preamp if im gonna have to return it after some years. Will see.
Hi Soundbien - if you do not mind me asking, what did you pay for your 38? 

The PS Audio GCPH is a great phono preamp and has balanced outputs that go well with the ML.  It was called a $1000 giant killer and I see them used for $400-500.  
Thank you jperry! Any recommendations for a phono preamp that would be suitable for the ML?
As you can see no phono input so you need an outboard phono preamp.

Mark Levinson No.38 preamplifier Specifications

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: Remote-controlled line-stage preamplifier. Gain: –73.1dB to +18dB. Inputs: two stereo balanced (XLR), four single-ended (RCA), one Mark Levinson Link communications connector, one 1/8" mini-jack for external IR repeater. Outputs: one balanced stereo main output (XLR), one single-ended stereo main output (RCA), two stereo record outputs (RCA), one Mark Levinson Link communication connector. Input impedance: 100k ohms. Output impedance: <6 ohms. Input overload: >16V. Maximum output: 16V RMS, balanced. Power consumption: 40W.
Dimensions: 15.75" W by 3.76" H by 14" D. Weight: 35 lbs.
Price: $3995 (1995); no longer available (2009). Approximate number of dealers: 65.