Is the Lyrion Music Server (formerly Logitech) any good for the not-computer-savvy
Hello there, esteemed fellow audiophiles.
I am about to try my second Streamer/Transport after having a dismal experience with the new Auralic Aries G2.2: In short, it would not produce any music through my MSB DAC, in spite MSBs assurance that there are no incompatibilities. I sent it to the Aurlic Technical Service group in Oregon to find out what is going on, but nevertheless I am disappointed after having read so many good reviews about the machine.
I am now in the process of purchasing an EVO432 Aeon streamer, albeit it looking even more complicated to set up than the Aries. But for me, musicality and "near-analog-ness" are the most important decision criteria.
The EVO gives me two options how to organize a new music library, either Roon or the Logitech Music Server, which has now molted into "Lyrion Music Server". I know that Roon is widely used by audiophiles, but I have also heard less glowing words when it comes to music presentation, such as "flat" when it comes to sound stage. The Logitech/Lyrion, on the other hand, gets very nice reviews about its musicality and neutral presentation.
I therefore tried to download the Lyrion app to my MacBook Air (with M1 chip) to see if I can handle the set-up myself. However, after downloading the app and having the logo appear on my desktop, clicking the icon or using "command open" does nothing: there is no new window appearing.
So, my question: has anybody experience with this app and could tell me what I am doing wrong? Should I perhaps have a dedicated iPad for it?
Also, if anybody has used an EVO432 streamer: how easy is it to figure it out and what exactly will I have to do making it play my - mostly iTunes and Native DSD - libraries?
As always, your help is highly appreciated!