Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off?

I’m a boomer myself and was wondering if any other listeners have knowledge or data on how much of a declining industry high end audio is in general? Or am I mistaken and it’s not dying off at all?


Showing 3 responses by pindac

Being an Audiophile, relating to being interested in recorded music in conjunction with quality of playback (Equipmentphile), has been born as a term from the 1950's. Using this as guidance, then anybody bought into Edisons Phonograph 100+ Years past, with a declared passion for the Tool and Music Replays are able to be referred to as a Audiophile. 

Audio (sound) Phile (Lover / Admirer) is the basics for the origin of the word, has been corrupted by Marketing Spiel and many variations of the basic meaning over the past 70 years since it has been recognised as a regular used word. 

In the era when the term Audiophile was to manifest, Source material for recorded music was limited. Tape will have been the best medium with Vinyl Medium being the second to it.

Today it is quite different, there are multiple Source Option and many options for the Tools to be used to initiate the Replay of the recorded music.

This has expanded on the Numbers of Audiophiles actively participating.

Family Members and their friends all Listen to much more music than I do using electronic equipment as the Tools to create a replay of recorded music.

Associates through Work, also listen to much more music than I do, all using electronic equipment as tools to create the replay of music.

If a Audiophile is some body who enjoys music, especially music reproduced using electronic devices, then the general interactions I have with people daily is strongly suggesting recorded music is extremely attractive to be listened to through electronic devices, by a larger population that at any other time in history.

Where these modern electronic tools used to replay music differ to traditional electronic designs, is in their being very portable, and being readily available to be used, enabling an individual to participate in their interest with numerous opportunities.

Have a look at the success of live music events, Tickets selling out in minutes, this is the real indicator of how the easy to use Source and Electronic Devices seen so commonly in use are impacting on their users to seek out other musical experiences.

The Streaming Services are the ones that really know how many Audiophiles are on this Planet at present. My assumption is that the end figure would excess a multiple of 10K x any figure a forum member would suggest with their limited take on what being an Audiophile means.

Audio Equipment used by those who lock themselves away in a room types, are a dying breed, as in the eyes of those who function day to day with the hobby at their fingertips, locking oneself away in a room as a means of living for a hobby will be viewed a miserable experience, almost sharing the same concerns or very similar, for the Obsessive Gamers who lock themselves down into the Gaming World.

The modern Audiophile is very astute, being better off keeping their funds for having a few weekends away at Multi Day Music Festivals, enjoying numerous live performances listened to through Electronic Equipment, ( another abstract of being an audiophile).

The above mirrors the same that has happened to Photography. 

There is a estimation that during the entirety of Film Photography, more images are taken Digital in the past Two Years, than the entirety of Film Photos taken historically. How about adding the Gross of all Digital Images taken and then compare the end figure to the Gross of Film.  

Those with an interest in music and are not seeing the large numbers of Audiophiles during their daily activities, really are locked away in their rooms with the Curtains Drawn. Happy Hi Fidelity and Audiophilia.

Earning Power has nothing whatsoever to do with listening to music via electronic devices.

My experiences to date are there is very very little snobbery to be found in music replays as a Hobby, there is not agenda to keep the Riff Raff out, no exclusivity for the membership. That is not saying there is not individuals who share their interest similar in this Hobby who are not snobs, some of these individuals most likely are members within a forum, and some may even be frequent posters on their chosen forum/forums. 

A Hobby and the attention it can generate through the usage of surrounding supporting networks, takes all sorts to assist with the cultivating the growth. I am not prejudiced towards any sharing their interest. 

It is well noted on this forum and many others, exceptional listening experiences are able to be produced using electronic devices that are not stupid expensive.

As mentioned in a previous post, there are today in use numerous sources, the individual is more defined today by their choice of Source and Medium used, than their chosen music genre.

Years ago when in discussion you were Wed to a Vinyl or CD Source / Vinyl CD Source, with a specific liking for a Genre/ Multiple Genre's.

Today an individual is a Data Streamer, Digital Recorded File user, Phone user , Hard Drive user , CD user , Analogue Tape user , Vinyl user or any combination.

Even a typical found in the home Desktop PC or Laptop are considered today a replay Source worthwhile using for Stored Digital Recordings or Streamed Data Recordings.

Any will be considered Audiophile in relation to the end sound that can be produced, to achieve an End Sound that is deemed attractive does not require silly monies to achieve. 

It is the Source Device today that creates the growing market and defines the end user as to how they wish to participate in being entertained as a Audiophile ( Hearing Sound that they are enthusiastic / passionate about ).

There is one thing for sure today, the Source selected will not be parity in the performance it can offer to alternate options. Making each who selects one Source only limited in how they experience the end sound from music recordings. 

The user of the Source, whichever one,  will decide which supporting Electronics they would like to see in use downstream. Is an individual using a USB to attach a Phone to a DAC to listen to replays of stored music files, any less an audiophile that somebody with a Vinyl Source and a history of years of building a Album Collection ? 

Is the individual when using that same Phone to listen to music in a different environment using a completely different method to reproduce the music replay no longer an Audiophile ?

As stated previously, the broadness of the options on a Source, has created a opportunity to express an interest in using recorded music replays as a form of entertainment, that has been adopted by an incalculable amount of the Global Population. How to separate how many are Audiophile is a futile endeavor.

Much better to engage with the individuals using Portable Sources and learn from them. 

I have not tried out the Phone as a Source on my Home System, but at a HiFi Event heard a young individual presenting a home built DIY HiFI System with his Phone as the Source, from recollection this system was very likeable and worthwhile mentioning. I would class this young individual as Audiophile as anybody I spend time with around this hobby.