Is The FM tuner obsolete?

I foresee the day that the FM tuner will not be included in product offerings. 

Most radio stations have a streaming service and services like tunein offer this as well and have a much better quality to boot.


Showing 1 response by perkri

The radio is on 24/7.

My magnum dynalab ft 101 a with the Etude upgrade from MD has been my favorite component. Bought it new and it’s not going anywhere. Have MD’s ST-2 antenna and the sq from this tuner is amazing.

Just had the tuner section on my restored Marantz 2230 brought back in line. Sounds quite good, albeit not as nice as the MD. As was said above, the receiver saves my tubes as the radio is on all day

I do love an all in one for the simplicity, but just not convinced of the SQ.

A MAC7200 with a tuner/DAC would be a swell lifestyle set up.