Is the Dunlavy SC-3A's a good speaker for HT?

I listened to some cd's with the Dunlavy SC-3A's. I enjoyed them, but how do they sound in Home Theater? They would be used for music 60% of the time and HT 40%. Would they still be worth buying? I would appreciate your advice. Thank you

Showing 1 response by foerverhifi2000d05f

MY personal experience with the Dunlavy's is that they are supeb for HT!!...Infact, often better for HT than music. They are very dynamic, fast, musical, and accurate sounding...especially with the right gear. They do what you want from a good HT speaker really.
The only stipulation is that you MUST cross them over as small on your pre/pro for movies!!!! You'll blow drivers if you do full range, and the bass will give way under too much heavy low bass with those speakers. Crossing over as "small" or there abouts, is going to do well for you. Get the sub placed well and you should have trememdous results for HT!!
Infact, a few years back at a local Home theater show, the Dunlavy's sounded best for HT over much more expensive room sysetms in my oppinion.(and I'm not a huge Dunlavy fan per se!). But, set up right, the Dun's really do well for that kind of medium, including rock and roll.
AT THE VERY LEAST, if you have the bug to try them, you shoule definitely give em a go! the set up well in rooms due to the spread out driver spacing withih an acoustical space(room). They even out well compared to speakers with single drivers in one spot, thus adding a stronger coloration/signature compared to the Dun's. Overall, they are, well, ACCURATE SOUNDING, and should be tried I think.
There are several HT magazine reviewers that Use the Dunalvy's(Steve Stone, Robert Deutsch, AVInteriors edditors, etc).
The only thing worth considering as a possible downside on buying some Dun's would be the fact that the business went under, and matching drivers might be a challenge if yours go south...something to think about. Good luck