Is the BIX table extint?

I had a mark on my browser to go into the BIX table website (under and recently found that it was removed. Do you know if the BIX table is still available?


Showing 1 response by jdombrow

Here's the note from Doc at Bottlehead regarding the Bix:

"We've been considering for a couple of months now our handling of the BIX turntable from DIY Hi Fi Supply. A drop shipped kit product which we never see before it reaches the customer has turned out to be a challenge to support regarding revisions and changes. We have determined that it just plain makes more sense for folks to order directly from Brian, who knows the latest updates intimately. We will also be suggesting that folks order their TJ tubes directly from Brian, since he now takes credit cards and it's easy to order direct from HK. He's an upstanding guy, who will take good care of you."
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