Is the B&W Signature 805 less harsh than the N805?

Some people here say that the N805's are not bright or harsh at all, but I have found that they are a bit unforgiving and harsh on the uppermids-treble and cause fatigue after a while because of the hot tweeter. I have Classe amplification and bel canto dac2, so I think electronics are not that bad, and they are not known for being bright or harsh. Do you think the Sig 805's tweeter is less harsh or bright than the plain N805's tweeter? or is it just about the same? I'm able to purchase the speakers via internet only, so audition is not possible. I'd appreciate any comments. Sorry if my English is not clear enough.

Thank you very much.
Regards from Argentina.
Larry just compensate with wire that is rolled off and some tubes that are half dead and then all would be perceived as musical. Oh, how about some sorbathane footers and a Richard Gray power conditioner to really quiet things down.Tom
I know, Gmood1, pretty slick of you.
I can hear the Kevlar Honk, first(probably not first, but at least most publicly) by John Atkinson of Stereophile. When I owned the CS5i and Jim Thiel used the Kevlar for a midrange driver, it was used across a very,very narrow bandwidth, and didn't exhibit that problem. In a two way, there's no way to hide it.
Believe me, I am not being a jerk, just noting a flaw in one driver.
Hey Lrsky I was trying to say that in a nice way.I hope your asbestos suit is on stand by..Cuz the flames are coming! LOL
The B&W's (I am about to start an argument here) do sound harsh and annoying to my ear.
They have the omnipresent Kevlar Honk. The transition from the Kevlar driver, which has a very identifiable sound, to the tweeter, is very hashy, and to me again, annoying.
Sorry, IMHO. Though I am not alone in this assessment.
You can band aid it with some cables, but the basic sound of the speakers is definitely colored in that region.
BTW, I have been in the industry for 20 years, and worked with several loudspeaker manufacturers. This malady, is common inside knowledge. You have to be very judicious in how you use the Kevlar, and where you cross it.
Second AND third member Bigtee's recommendation! Probably the most overlooked "component" in any system is always the room. Sometimes, it's a matter of inches that make a big difference when positioning speakers and/or inexpensive (but effective) room treatments to address the "first reflection" area (among other parts of the listening space).
Thank you all for the responses. Actually I like the other properties of the N805, I am just complaining of the tweeter, so if the sig 805 tweeter is smoother/sweeter, it would be a perfect speaker for me. Cables are cardas cross. I had already positioned the speakers in the best place for smoother highs, but still the problem.
Anyone else that compared nautilus 805 and signature 805 tweeters? thank you.
Maybe you should just try a different speaker(manufacture).Maybe a Reference 3 A MM de Capo i or something along the line. Sometimes it's just the speakers plain and simple.Maybe they aren't your cup of tea.Not saying they are bad speakers but just not the right speakers for you.

Good Luck!
You might want to research your room a little. The B&W's are not harsh and I don't believe your electronics are. You might want to look at room reflections especially the first one off the side wall. Changing cables and all that junk is just going to mask the real problem. I know it's hard to work with a room sometimes but a slight repositioning of the speakers, a little acoustical treatment or a change in tow in can work wonders. In audio, the room is THE most important component!
The N805Sigs are more refined in the treble and the midrange. I have never found either the N805's or N805sigs to be harsh. They are just very revealing. I use mine with Cardas speaker cables also.
I would search out cabling as your solution, I have had both 805's and have 804's and they are picky about what is upstream from them, you did not mention which cardas cables you have so it is hard to tell which direction you may need to go.

I would seek out neutral cabling and power cords as they make more difference than most component changes. I was completely satisfied with my 805's after changing cabling and power cords.

Transparent ultras seem to work very well for speaker cables. Audioquest pythons worked wonders for interconnects, especially for the price.

Hope this helps.

Hope this helps!