Around the end of February, before the Covid lockdown, I had the pleasure of meeting Peter L. in Peekskill NY.  He was so generous of his time and knowledge, such a gracious host, and after an enjoyable and very informative conversation on many topics, I spent nearly 4 hours listening to the strain gauge and Hyperion cartridges.  The sound that these cartridges produce is remarkable, especially the strain gauge.

I communicated with Peter by email over the spring, during the "lock down" and in mid June once more to solidify the details for my order of a SG-200 and three SG-6 styli which I placed on June 19th.

After 8 weeks, I was able to reach the "other Peter" at SoundSmith who was working from home and unable to provide any time line for delivery of my order.

Over the last few days, I have been unable to reach anyone at SoundSmith-- their phones go immediately to voice mail and no one has returned my calls.

Does anyone have information as to whether SoundSmith is still in business and producing cartridges, and whether Peter L is still making his special strain gauge carts?

I cannot pay enough compliments to Peter L and his creations and certainly hope that the lack of response is merely that they are overwhelmed with orders and business.

Thanks for any information.

Showing 1 response by jrpnde

I am very interested in how strain gauge technology is applied to cartridge manufacturing. My knowledge of strain gauges come from the application in the construction industry. Strain gauges can be used in a variety of cases (technology around for many years). For example....apply a strain gauge to a steel beam (such as used in a building or bridge construction). Then apply a load. The strain gauge relays electrical info to an instrument. Computations are then done to calculate the actual "strain" on a certain component.

To apply this technology to a cartridge is truly fascinating. I would like to know more?