Is Sonic Frontier Power 3 worth buying & keeping?


I am still looking to buy a amplifier for my audio/HT. I was looking into the Sonic Frontier Power 3, and was think should i buy it or not. Today i was talking to a person and he told me the Sonic Frontier is not worth buy and keep for a long time. He said most "tube amplifier" beside replacing tubes may have problem or don't work anymore due to a period of time. Do you think i should buy it or not and just stick my headsinked amplifier. I like the sound of the warm tubes for my music. Need some help and suggestion.


Showing 1 response by kevziek

The Power 3's are available cheap on the used market. I have seen a number for $3500 the pair, which is a third of list price. If you need the power, the Power 3 is a better buy than the Power 2.

The general consensus is that these amps have a more solid state like sound than tube. They have been characterized as lean and with a slightly distant sound, and lacking the tube "bones" of other units. I think the Audio Research VT-100 is generally preferred as more detailed, tube-like in the midrange, and generally sonically superior.