Is Smoking Really That Bad For Audio Equipment?

I have my friends over periodically, and some of them smoke. At the moment, I ask them to go outside to have a cigarette because I'm concerned that smoke will be bad for stereo equipment. I don't worry much about the smell because I have hardwood floors and minimal furniture, so there's not much to trap the smell. Does cigarette smoke damage speakers or does it get into audio equipment and leave residue on electrical connections, etc? I am curious whether there have been any incidents where cigarette smoke actually harmed someone's equipment?

Showing 3 responses by firecracker_77

Thanks for the reply. I was thinking that the smoke might damage the speaker surrounds or leave a film on the electrical connectors. Your explanation makes sense, and I can understand why no one would want to purchase used equipment if it smelled like smoke.
I went bowling tonight and saw a sign in the bowling alley that starting Monday cigarette smoking is banned in all indoor public settings in Chicago. So, I think that smoking will continue to decline as smokers have less opportunities to engage their habit. At my office, the smoking area is outside and tucked out of sight from the street and away from the occupants going into and out of the building. I heard a rumor that soon smokers will not be allowed within 50 feet of a public building. The tax on cigarettes here is several dollars so that a pack costs $7.00. Think of all the audio equipment they could buy if they quit that habit.
Dirtyragamuffin, I was in Green Bay in Dec. 04 and it was freaking cold compared to Chicago. I guess you have to be be alot tougher to endure Wisconsin winters, and I could see why you would not ask your friends to head outside. I have never had would probably be too strong for me. I will stick with beer and whiskey when I am looking to relax. A little off topic, but there was this beer from Wisconsin called Rhinelander. It was really cheap and pretty decent, but unfortunately I can no longer find it. Such is life!