is sensorineural hearing loss permanent?

A Guru in his own eyes that have a youtube cannel and call himself "real world audio" claim that you can overcome sensoineural hearing loss by and even his mentor ,Stu, had told him so. And this is by special method that they know.

i was so suprised how many Audiophiles want to believe those mumbo jumbo

so, for all those:

SNHL is usually permanent . Once the hair cells of the inner ear are damageed or lost, they can’t be repaired


Showing 1 response by frankmc195

Nerve cells don't regenerate and once they are gone, they are gone. The ringing you may hear is your brain trying to turn up the sound in the effected side. That is why you should always protect your ears when around loud noises. Anything above 95db can potentially cause hearing loss especially with prolonged exposure. When you are at a stop light and the car next to you is vibrating from the boom boom coming out of their speakers you know there is a future seriously impaired hearing loss person.