Jamazur. I don't have vinyl so I won't comment on how the two compares. I did previously own the CAL CL-15 and upgraded to the SCD-777ES. I think the SACD output blows away the CL-15 std cd output. You must break the player in for 400 hours. Buy the Purist Audio Breakin CD II. Things I added to upgrade my system which had a positive effect on the SCD-777ES were : PSAudio P300, Black Mamba powercord, Rosinante DarkMatter Shelf (owned before and used on CL-15 also). I have heard that the balanced output were a joke on SCD-1 so I would recommend trying a RCA interconnect. The Cable Co. is recommending Symposium Roller Blocks instead of Shelf. I also added the ByBee internal mod for the P300 (worth every penny, $200). I use a passive preamp into the Bel Canto Evo 200.2 and Nirvana S-X ic. This combination with my speakers results in the most transparent, grain free and real sounding music.
Is SACD really this lousy?
Bought a Sony SCD 1 and this is boring me in my system. Have had it for 2 weeks and just cannot get interested. Previously I had a CAL CL2o and we were astounded by how the DVD DAD's sounded-fall into the soundstage, reach out and touch the performers. Also the dynamic range used every bit of the VTL's 275 watts into the Maggies. The 44/16 side of the CL20 was at best lukewarm. This after coming off a Meridian 508 20. Then I tried the Wadia 270/27ix. In my system, all the write ups were proven wrong. Then I went to the Linn Ikemi. It was great except I couldn't forget that sound of the DVD's with the CL20. Sooooo....off I went to get the Sony SCD 1. I don't have a dealer here but trusted it wouldn't dissappoint. WRONNNG! I called Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound to see if he could do anything. He said it was a great player, it's just that Sony missed the boat when it came to the analog section. He is in fact drawing up a mod to deal with this very thing that he says will approach the Accuphase. That however will cost anywhere from $1500 roonies for the SACD side to $3500 for both. Anybody have any comment on this or am I the only one experiencing disappointment?