Is SACD really this lousy?

Bought a Sony SCD 1 and this is boring me in my system. Have had it for 2 weeks and just cannot get interested. Previously I had a CAL CL2o and we were astounded by how the DVD DAD's sounded-fall into the soundstage, reach out and touch the performers. Also the dynamic range used every bit of the VTL's 275 watts into the Maggies. The 44/16 side of the CL20 was at best lukewarm. This after coming off a Meridian 508 20. Then I tried the Wadia 270/27ix. In my system, all the write ups were proven wrong. Then I went to the Linn Ikemi. It was great except I couldn't forget that sound of the DVD's with the CL20. I went to get the Sony SCD 1. I don't have a dealer here but trusted it wouldn't dissappoint. WRONNNG! I called Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound to see if he could do anything. He said it was a great player, it's just that Sony missed the boat when it came to the analog section. He is in fact drawing up a mod to deal with this very thing that he says will approach the Accuphase. That however will cost anywhere from $1500 roonies for the SACD side to $3500 for both. Anybody have any comment on this or am I the only one experiencing disappointment?

Showing 2 responses by mikeg

Jamazur. I don't have vinyl so I won't comment on how the two compares. I did previously own the CAL CL-15 and upgraded to the SCD-777ES. I think the SACD output blows away the CL-15 std cd output. You must break the player in for 400 hours. Buy the Purist Audio Breakin CD II. Things I added to upgrade my system which had a positive effect on the SCD-777ES were : PSAudio P300, Black Mamba powercord, Rosinante DarkMatter Shelf (owned before and used on CL-15 also). I have heard that the balanced output were a joke on SCD-1 so I would recommend trying a RCA interconnect. The Cable Co. is recommending Symposium Roller Blocks instead of Shelf. I also added the ByBee internal mod for the P300 (worth every penny, $200). I use a passive preamp into the Bel Canto Evo 200.2 and Nirvana S-X ic. This combination with my speakers results in the most transparent, grain free and real sounding music.
Jmazur: The breakin is required for both SACD and CD outputs. I received the Bel Canto EVo late May after issues with the design were resolved. This amp replaced a $7K McCormack DNA2 LAE. For $2400 you can't go wrong. It extremely musical, resolving, and neutral sound. Its definetely on par with LAE but I couldn't directly A/B them. You will see a review in Stereotimes soon. As for SACD, buy the DMP SACD disks (Just Jomin, Quality of Silence, Tricycle and Alto). I find SACD to have better resolution, 3D imaging/soundstage depth/width and less fatiquing than CD. I also forgot to mention you need to use the Marigo Mat. Did you try the RCA ic yet? Drubin: The bybee mod on the p300 replaces a cheap surge filter (mine did't have one) to "quantum charge the flowing electrons" prior to regenerating AC. Call Audionut for more info, its easy to install. It reduced system noise further revealing even more detail and body.