Is Remote Control Important?

How important is Remote Control to you when selecting components for your system. Do you consider buying products that don't have Remote Control, or only ones that do? If you had the choice of a CD player that was the best sounding, but had no Remote Control capability, would you buy it? Or would you buy the next best thing that had a Remote Control.

One reason why I ask this is, I have a friend who just sold me his entire LP collection because he said that he would never play them again, because he would have to get up off the couch to change records. When this same friend's reciever broke, I offered to loan him one of mine, but he refused because it had no Remote Control, and he would have to get up to change the volume. In his opinion, no music was better than having to get up to change the volume. And no amount of performance would substitute for a Remote Control.

Is this a predominant view in the audiophile world? Is convenience more important than performance?

Showing 1 response by aroc

It used to be, but not anymore. In fact with my first high end preamp (Audio Alchemy DLC) it precisely met my selection criteria at the time (1. simple purist design, 2. remote control for volume 3. upgradiblity 4. little to no other features). but since getting the tube monoblocks, I traded for a 4m interconnect and now place my new tube preamp next to my chair along with my Cd player. I don't need a remote control now, since I just lean over and turn the knobs. Same thing with the cd player - AND I OWN A CAROUSEL!

Really remotes aren't that big of a deal. if I had my preamp and sources between the speakers again, I might think hard about a remote. But I probably still wouldn't get one. We didn't have a remote controlled anything at home until 1994 when we got a remote controlled 19inch TV and a VCR (finally). Also bought a *gasp* garage door opener. Our TV before that was a "reagan-era" 13inch with knobs, V-hold, 300ohm RF input, the whole deal. And you had to get up to change the channel. And this was when I was still in high school in 1994. LOL. So yeah, I don't think a remote control is that big of a deal. I would NOT pass up a component just because it didn't have a remote control. Now if I can't *afford* it, that's another story. No remote? Who cares...

For some real fun, give a kid today a old TV without a remote (preferably an old one with vaccuum tubes). What him try to figure out what v hold is and try to adjust the aerial (rabbit ears) on top. LOL. No wait. That was 2001 and in my CEOs office last year. (and I'm gonna get fired, LOL!) Granted it wasn't an older tubed model, but it did have an aerial. LOL. Trained engineers too.

You want to laugh? This summer I spurged and bought a 36inch toshiba flat screen, and a JVC SVHS VCR (high end pro model). I didn't even open up the remotes. They are still wrapped. I'm keeping them in prestine shape for the next owner. He can have them. I'd just assume not use them. :-/ Call me weird.

24 and remoteless,