Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K

I primarily liston piano, chamber and opera. I was wondering if anyone had experience producing a realistinc presentation for about $1K not including the source? My listening room is 14 x 20 X 8. I thought this could be accomplished by an inexpensive tube pre-amp ($200-300) and older vintage amp such as a Pioneer Spec 4 or Yamaha approx $300, and possibly some older klipsh's (KG-4) or newer Axiom's M22ti's approx $400. Am I on the right track? Has anyone been able to accomplish this? Any recommendations for any of the 3 items?

Showing 1 response by salsero

what about used triangle titus ($340 demo set on sale), creek 4330 MKII (one on sale for $330) and a cambdridge D500 SE (used $260), add some $30 interconnects and get your own cable speaker at home depot ($40). The whole thing at $1000!! If you get the upgrade buzz, there is a lot that can be done for the CD player for less than $100 for external power supply and vibration isolation.
Happy listenings, Salsero