Is Ortofon Rondo Bronze MC really low rider??

Just got an Ortofon Rondo Bronze Moving Coil cartridge, installed it on a SME 3009 MK2 Non Improved. Sounds great, tracks great, all other setup parameters pretty spot on, lateral and vertical resonant freg are 9hz and 11hz. The thing is that it rides extremely low, with just literally a hair off the record's surface! I am tracking it at 2.1g (I know the manual suggests of 2.3g, but it ride extremely low so i back it off a bit).

I would think the Ortofon Rondo Bronze would ride low since it's a medium high compliance with heavier tracking force, but i dont expect it to ride this low!

Is this normal for Ortofon cartridges or something I should worry about???

Thanks guys :((

Showing 1 response by smholl

I don't recall my old Rondo Bronze riding any lower than other cartridge I've owned in the past. I would re-check the VTF. If VTF okay, than cartridge suspension may be shot.