Is Old Music Killing New Music?

I ran across this Atlantic magazine article on another music forum. It asks the question if old music is killing new music. I didn't realize that older music represents 70% of the music market according to this article. I know I use Qobuz and Tidal to find new music and new artists for my collection, but I don't know how common that actually is for most people. I think that a lot of people that listen to services like Spotify and Apple Music probably don't keep track of what the algorithms are queuing up in their playlists. Perhaps it's all becoming elevator music. 

Is Old Music Killing New Music? - The Atlantic


Showing 1 response by limomangus

I dont believe the statement that buy age 30 your set in your musical choice.Im 70and a boomer ,I'm not a rich bitch.My music tates change all the time.So do my buying habits.For years in my car all I would listen to was music from Sirius Radio,no commercials,just mysic.Now I like FM music stations with the commercials because it like the radio stations I remember as a kid and teenager, the old time Djs....I like everything and I have an open mind.But no Rappa Crappa ,Crap...talking about killing people ,beating women and fighting....Funny there Parents and Grandparents like Jazz,Rhythm and Blues and Soul..when did the Crazy stuff start....I guess just when Disco was dieding.....