Is New Vinyl Exempt from Loudness Wars?

I'm seeing new vinyl sold in many unexpected places these days.  

For those who have bought a lot of new vinyl,  I'm wondering if these tend to be mastered differently from similar newer CD  remasters that often show effects of the "Loudness Wars"?

Is it a mixed bag perhaps?   Much like CDs?

I wonder because if I knew there was a different mastering done for new vinyl I might consider buying some if I knew. 

But new vinyl is expensive and I would not want to get essentially the same end result in regards to sound quality as I would get with CD for much less.

Just wondering.

Showing 5 responses by audiotomb

I hate poor remasters where the treble is shrill or there is no open midrange

all the new Booker T and the MGs remasters sound terrible

i switched my buying to used lps from the era
unless there is a great analog review here

The sound is so much more open
the rare stylus damaged record

even better
finding first UK pressing
sound better than my pristine japanese copies

why do companies put out old reissues that sound terrible?
4 guys
the Amy Winehouse releases
the latest Peter Gabriel 45s

the new Peter Gabriel went to 45 rpm

they seem to put great care into everything but the sound

I have original US

first press UK


Classic Albums from 2002

all from analog sources

sound great (us originals a little murky)

not sure what these are but they sound dreadful

lots of detail and dynamics but the top end sounds shrill and way off on tonal balance - no warmth in midrange

Amy Winehouse

BTB, Frank, Lioness

US - bright

UK- a little less bright

new box - haven’t opened it yet

Allah Las - new album

shrill on the lp

tonally balanced on the cd

new Booker T all crap shrill

who lets this stuff out to the masses

can someone interprete these numbers

is it lowest level   highest level  dynamic range?

I would think the first number has to be lower

a 12 13 15 not as good as a 9 13

to me it's more - does it sound shrill and lack mid range and low level detail

All the Amy Winehouse lps are bright tonally

on a refined system

the dynamic range is not the tell all

I bought the UK version after the US one was difficult to listen to

the UK is better, but it’s not what it should be

and this is a major artist’s legacy

how do the hi rez digital files sound?