Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?

Parasound Halo P3
Parasound Halo A21
JPS Labs Superconductor2 BiWire Cable
JPS Labs Superconductor2 Balanced XLR Interconnects
Totem Acoustic Mani-2 Signatures
Totem Acoustic T4L Stands
Totem Acoustic Beaks (2 pair)

I have yet to deceide on a CDP, and the JPS Labs stuff is shipping right now. Is my setup considered mid-level or hi-end to users on this board and what do you think is my weakest link? And what should I be looking at for CDP's?

Showing 2 responses by timf

If you dont mind a novice opinion, I think your system is impressively put together. You have obviously put some thought into it. It seems you have developed what no amount of money can buy, and the result is a solid, capable system. I envy your good sense! Ive no doubt your money will be well spent all the way along, and that already puts you way ahead of the game. All I could hope for you is that you are able to appreciate what you have and get some enjoyment from it NOW. That is, after all, part of the return from your investment.
My dream system comes in at 100,000.01- 100,000.02 if I go with green. That said, it is very large! It is very, very heavy! In my dream I cant budge it, and the dealer is very old and skinny and italian. He wants me to go-tank you... have fun. tank you... adios! The whole dream is badly dubbed, and words hang in the air, and the system just sits there!