Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?

Parasound Halo P3
Parasound Halo A21
JPS Labs Superconductor2 BiWire Cable
JPS Labs Superconductor2 Balanced XLR Interconnects
Totem Acoustic Mani-2 Signatures
Totem Acoustic T4L Stands
Totem Acoustic Beaks (2 pair)

I have yet to deceide on a CDP, and the JPS Labs stuff is shipping right now. Is my setup considered mid-level or hi-end to users on this board and what do you think is my weakest link? And what should I be looking at for CDP's?

Showing 1 response by sean

Open your wallet. Turn it upside down. If money falls out, it is mid-fi. If such is the case, take the remaining money and buy a nice meal and some good tunes to enjoy on your system.

Trying to make everyone agree that you have a "high end" system on this forum will have you taking out loans and maxing out your credit cards. So long as you enjoy what you have, there's no need for anything close to that. Sean