Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?

Parasound Halo P3
Parasound Halo A21
JPS Labs Superconductor2 BiWire Cable
JPS Labs Superconductor2 Balanced XLR Interconnects
Totem Acoustic Mani-2 Signatures
Totem Acoustic T4L Stands
Totem Acoustic Beaks (2 pair)

I have yet to deceide on a CDP, and the JPS Labs stuff is shipping right now. Is my setup considered mid-level or hi-end to users on this board and what do you think is my weakest link? And what should I be looking at for CDP's?

Showing 3 responses by bigtee

"High end" is the most over used word on this forum. As for mid-fi and hi-fi---what is really the difference? 1/2 hi-fi + 1/2 hi-fi = 1 whole - fi!!!!!!! Someone coined a phrase to attempt to part you from your money from you as Sean says.
Remember the "Law of diminishing returns?" Nothing in the world is a better example that audio. You can certainly quadruple your monetary outlay and easily end up with less than you have now.
Everything in audio has turned so subjective that there are NO truths anymore (although I think when you cut through all the BS, the truths are there.)
If you look at the almighty specifications, then tell me what midfi is? I will make a statement that a lot of guys in a blind listening test would not be able to tell the difference. The lower cost stuff like NAD and the like is capable of outstanding reproduction but would be considered mid-fi by most.
Do like Parasound did with their CD player once (no joke) they put nice connectors on the back and placed a ten pound lead bar inside the player to give it that "Hi-end" feel!
Take an NAD and surround it in a nice polished enclosure and add a few spiffy connectors and it would move right into the world of hi-end!
Money doesn't dictate crap and your system is very fine indeed! Sit back and enjoy it. Once you get on the trail to sonic nirvana, it will never end and all those manufacturers know this. Why do you think they come out with the "Revolutionary" sound of the month?