Is my Amp OK?

I recently bought brand new speakers - Revel f208. Using them with Cary Audio DMS-500 DAC and Rotel RB-1590.

While I love the sound I am getting, and I am 100% sure the speakers and DAC are great, I feel that I can do better with the Amp. True? If so, what do I get to replace the Rotel RB-1590?

Showing 2 responses by kalali

willemj, not trying to get into a debate or anything but you seem to be convinced that all "good" amplifiers sound the same. Just out of curiosity, can you please list the names of these so called good amplifiers that you have owned or auditioned extensively, and compared under the same identical conditions? Many of us seem to have a different experience and wondering why that is the case. Thanks.

Still waiting for the list of amplifiers from personal experience. If we were to only use measurements and hearsay as the criteria for "good" sound, most people here would be buying the same brand(s).

As for the OP, no budget was stated so I'd think any model from the usual suspects like Pass Labs or Mark Levinson with more than 100 wpc should sound real good with the 208. I recently heard one of the higher powered Belles amps with a mid line Focal and it sounded real weighty and engaging.